
Mark Maria [aka Mark Rautenbach aka Mark Splendid]

Artist/educator living in Cape Town: Knitting a rhythm of becoming propelled by two disparate intensities of desiring: Desire which emerges from a sense of fullness; expressing as an urgent sharing and wanting to make a difference. The other type [which I'm unravelling] expresses a lack of; a scarcity, a desire for recognition and approval.

Nicola Christodoulides

Zoologist by training, educator by profession, facilitator by nature, mother by choice, maker by compulsion, artist by desire, medium of expression: felted, carded, spun, knitted, knotted, stitched, crocheted, tangled, dangled, dreamed.

Erica de Greef

Fashion theorist, educator, researcher and curator, interested in how fashion and dress have the power to construct selves, systems and communities, and how in deconstructing the materiality of these things, we are able to unravel some of the complexities that constitute gender, class and culture through time and place. 


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